


Your small group, ladies group or group of church friends are invited to “Love A Mom and Baby” by praying for her throughout her pregnancy and planning a baby shower for her and her baby.

Here at Crossroads Pregnancy Center, we aren’t just pro-life…we are pro-love!

Help us to grace our clients with the unconditional love of Jesus and honor them for their courageous decision to choose life

The baby shower is provided by your group coming together to purchase gifts from a suggested gift list we will provide. After praying for them during the pregnancy, you will get to meet your “mom” at the shower. It will be an amazing time of blessing this new mom and baby, through gifts, games, and food but also your encouragement.

To help our clients feel comfortable with this, showers will be help at our offices. Because of the size of our offices,  a group of approximately 5 or 6 people would work well. And your mom will be invited to bring her partner and a friend or family member.

We’re thankful when our moms choose life! Let’s work together and bless her for making this choice. Just give the office a call and we can help you get started.

If you are already pro-life, why not also be pro-love!

Contact the CPC office nearest to you for the application to join the LAMB project.